Africa To World (ATW) is an online store platform that is located in Kampala, Uganda. We retail African crafts, arts, paintings and sculptures, clothes, electronics, books, magazines, designs, foodstuffs, and other products to not only the Diaspora but also within Africa.


This Privacy policy provides information on how ATW collects and processes your data when you visit our website and/or mobile applications. It sets out what we do with your data, and how we keep it secure, and explains the rights that you have about your data.

Personal data includes any information that can be used to identify directly or indirectly a specific individual.

We collect your data for various reasons including providing tailored products and analyzing and improving our products and delivery services. A user provides his personal data when he registers his details on our website or mobile applications when logging in and creating a user account.


a) Directly from the user
We receive information from our users regarding their personal identity, contacts, biometrics, delivery addresses, and financial information. Information may include:
i. Contact details (such as your name, postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses),
ii. Demographic information (such as your date of birth, age or age range and gender),
iii. Online registration information (such as your password and other authentication information like security questions and answers),
iv. Payment information (such as your credit card information, billing address, mobile money or wave numbers),
v. Information provided as part of online questionnaires (such as responses to any customer satisfaction surveys or market research),
vi. Competition entries/submissions, and in certain cases your marketing preferences.

b) Information indirectly obtained from users
We automatically collect and store certain types of information regarding your use of the ATW marketplace including information about your searches, views, downloads and purchases.
Information obtained from third parties. We may receive information about you from third parties including our carriers; payment service providers; merchants/brands; and advertising service providers. The information obtained from third parties is also dependent on the parties’ privacy policies. Information includes:
i. Name and age (or predicted age range),
ii. Information about your device, operating system, browser and IP address,
iii. Unique identifiers associated with your device,
iv. Details of web pages that you have visited,
v. Which products you have looked at online (including information about products you have searched for or viewed, purchased or added to an online shopping basket),
vi. How long you spend on certain areas of a website or app together with the date and time of your visit/usage,
vii. Personal data contained within user-generated content (such as blogs and social media postings),
viii. Social media username or ID, and
ix. Social media profile photo and other social media profile information (such as number of followers).

Information obtained through cookies. ATW uses its own and third-party cookies to facilitate browsing by its users and for statistical purposes. Cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of our website and mobile applications, which helps us to provide you with an enhanced browsing experience.


To send communications. We use clients’ personal data to communicate via e-mail and/or send them SMS messages relating to the operation of the service. We may send messages to the User with information relating to the status of the order requested. When the order is completed, we will send a summary/receipt of the order and the price thereof to the User’s e-mail.

We shall also use the information to enable tracking of the orders by the users.

To detect fraud and criminal offences
We monitor all actions that could result in fraud or the commission of a criminal offense relating to the means of payment employed by users. We may ask users for a copy of their ID card as well as for certain information on the credit card used to place the order. In any event, all data will be processed by us for the sole purpose of fulfilling its fraud prevention and monitoring functions, and it shall be stored for as long as its relationship with the user concerned remains in force, and even after this time until the user’s right to make claims or take legal action relating to payment for the products or services ordered through ATW has expired.

Legislation compliance
We may use your information for filing and/or defending any claims and/or legal actions that may be necessary, as well as to manage any incidents arising in connection with orders.

Promotional offers
We may send e-mails with promotional messages and/or offers relating to the service offered by it that may be of interest to Users. ATW may gauge and personalize such advertising per its users’ preferences. We may use the order delivery address entered by the User to carry out promotional activities for the delivery of samples or free products of the service related to ATW which may be of interest to the User.

For statistical and service analysis purposes
ATW uses the information for statistical purposes to analyze user behavior and trends, to understand how users use the ATW Platform and to manage and improve the services offered, including the possibility of adding new, different services to the online marketplace. ATW also uses the information to research and analyze how to improve the services it provides to Users, as well as to develop and improve the features of the service it offers.

ATW also processes Users’ statistics based on the Users’ Personal data to assist Users in their decisions and use of the service, including the possibility to quickly reorder from the stores where Users have ordered in the past or suggest Users’ stores based on their past orders or “popularity” among new users. Additionally, ATW could assist Users in their decisions through automatically determined filters by the historical order Users have placed in the past.

To ensure proper use of the products supplied on the platforms.
We may use the data to ensure the proper use of the products requested on its Platform


We may need to share your personal data with third parties for the following purposes:

1. Sale of products and services: To deliver products and services purchased on our marketplace from third parties, we may be required to provide your data to such third parties.

2. Working with third-party service providers: We engage third parties to perform certain functions. Examples include fulfilling orders for products or services, delivering packages, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing payments, transmitting content, assessing and managing credit risk, and providing customer service.

3. Business transfers: As we continue to develop our business, we might sell or buy other businesses or services. In such transactions, customer information may be transferred together with other business assets.

4. Detecting fraud and abuse: We release accounts and other personal data to other companies and organizations for fraud protection, credit risk reduction, and compliance with applicable law.


We will only process your data where we have a legal basis to do so. The legal basis will depend on the purposes for which we have collected and used your data. In almost every case the legal basis will be one of the following:

1. Consent: For example, where you have provided your consent to receive certain marketing from us. You can withdraw your consent at any time, including by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any marketing email we send you.

2. Our legitimate business interests: Where we must understand our customers, promote our services, and operate effectively, provided in each case that this is done in a legitimate way that does not unduly affect your privacy and other rights.

3. Performance of a contract with you: This would also apply where we need to take steps before entering into a contract with you. For example, if you have purchased a product from us, we need to use your contact details and payment information to process your order and send the product to you.

4. Compliance with law: Where we are subject to a legal obligation and need to use your data to comply with that obligation.


A2W warrants that all commercial partners, technicians, suppliers or independent third parties are bound by contractually binding promises to process the information shared with them in accordance with A2W’s indications, this Privacy Policy and the applicable data protection legislation. When we share your personal data with third parties, we require them to agree to use your data in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy and in accordance with applicable law and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes.


We have put in place security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed.

In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.