Africa To World has partnered with various vendors producing an assortment of merchandise. Our vendors include local manufacturers producing beverages and foodstuffs, local artisans with local arts, jewelry, and machinery, and local fashion designers. We have also partnered with refugees from different countries across the African continent, producing local products from their home countries. 

We recognize, understand and relate with the hurdles that our partner business owners encounter setting up their enterprises.  Many endure so much work, input, sweat, and sacrifice to produce the merchandise we see and buy on the platform. It is this enduring feat of resilience, innovation and industriousness that ATW hopes to hear from the vendors as they share their inspiring stories. 

We have an in-depth interaction with select vendors monthly who show us their merchandise, explain their journey, and even the processes they go through to produce what you buy on the platform. 

You can access the videos on our YouTube Channel using the link below

We also promote and support our vendors in their various individual business initiatives, growing with them, as we change the narrative on African products and Share Africa. We have supported initiatives like the cancer awareness program, and cloth and glass recycling.